
Nate DeVera

A native of Las Vegas, NV, and a current resident of Denver, CO, Nate has a diverse background and resume that contributes directly to his eclectic hip-hop / rap style.

As a rocket scientist for the world’s largest defense contractor by day, Nate engineers and monitors degradation of nuclear missiles.

As an independent musician by night, Nate has experienced a wide array of musical paths that have all converged into his present-day music career. From high school musical theatre, to college a cappella, to his current rap lyricism, Nate’s talents and styles hit nearly all regions of musical spheres.  Inspired by artists like J. Cole , Russ, and Lupe Fiasco throughout his entire life, in addition to alternative rock & show tunes from his younger years, Nate combines the raw and genuine characteristics from all decades of R&B and rap music with his love for musical and vocal purity.

Colloquially, Nate is the “Rocket Scientist & Rapper”. He is incredibly passionate about the entire process of music creation, so much so that he writes, produces, audio engineers (mixing & mastering), and performs 100% of his own songs. He is a huge proponent of utilizing both left & right sides of our brains throughout life, and he believes the world is much better off with us all pursing their passions.

left brain

right brain